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  • About Our School

    About Our School

    This new school in Chappelle East is named after Garth Worthington. He was a lifelong musician and singer who shared his love of music both in and outside the classroom. During his 33-year career with Edmonton Public Schools, he served as a Teacher, assistant supervisor of music, consultant and music curriculum coordinator. He mentored many students and advocated for music programming and performance opportunities throughout the Division and city. He was one of the creators of 'Night of Music', an annual showcase of students from Edmonton Public Schools. For over 20 years, Worthington also worked with the Edmonton Centennial Singers, a choir of students from across the city.

    The Board of Trustees approved this school name, along with the names of two more new schools, at a public board meeting on May 14, 2019. Read his full biography or watch the Garth Worthington video to learn more about his contributions and achievements.

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  • Athletics


    2024-2025 GWS Athletics

    From soccer, to basketball - we will develop teams throughout the year!

    If you are a parent/guardian that is interested in supporting our athletics teams by volunteer coaching, please email our school: garthworthington@epbs.ca

    please continue to monitor your child's schoolzone account for permission forms, athletics fees, and the latest information!


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  • Lunch & Supervision Service

    Lunch & Supervision Service

    We believe it is very beneficial for students to go home for lunch to have a break from the school routine. We appreciate this is not always possible, and therefore we offer a paid lunch hour supervision program that is paid for by people using the program (parents/guardians). Students supply their own lunches and Garth Worthington school hires lunchroom supervisors to supervise the children staying for lunch.

    The lunchtime supervision monthly fee is applied to schoolzone each month, in order for your child to stay at school during the lunch hour, this supervision fee must be paid. These fees go directly to the cost of hiring a supervisor. 

    It is district policy that the lunchroom program is to be provided at no-cost to schools or the school board, therefore it is the fee's paid by attendees that supports this program.

    The low monthly lunchroom program cost will be determined based on the number of students who use the Lunch Program (fees will be communicated on SchoolZone in September, 2024).

    We do not have microwaves or kettles available for student use. Please preheat hot lunches at home and send in thermal containers. A reminder that children will eat lunch in their assigned classroom and are not to share food with other students. If your child has a severe allergy, please let the office know.

    All students who stay at school during lunch are not allowed to leave school property, unless they have a written note from parents authorizing them to do so. 


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  • School Profile

    School Profile

    Garth Worthington (March 5, 1939–February 15, 2014) 

    Garth Worthington was an Edmonton Public Schools music teacher who conducted thousands of Edmonton students in school bands and choirs during his 30-year career. 

    Born in Edmonton, Worthington was a talented musician and singer in his own right. He sang baritone and played piano, guitar, clarinet and sousaphone. He studied education at the University of Alberta and sang in its male chorus. 

    Worthington started teaching music at Eastglen High School and Highlands Junior High School in the early ’60s. He worked as an assistant supervisor of music with Edmonton Public Schools before teaching at Jasper Place High School in the ’70s. He retired from teaching in 1994. 

    He was one of the creators of 'Night of Music', an annual showcase of students from Edmonton Public Schools, now in its 55th year. For over 20 years, Worthington also worked with the Edmonton Centennial Singers, a choir of students from across the city. 

    Worthington’s former students share the profound influence he had as an educator and mentor who impacted their lives in ways that reached beyond the classroom. 

    The F. Garth Worthington Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to support vocal or choral music students attending District high schools.

    Musical Notation - Did you know?:

    The seemingly random pattern of window placement in the main and second story elevations of Garth Worthington School is, in fact, a homage to the school’s namesake, Garth Worthington. The facad is the foundation of transposed sheet music wherein the windows represent notes from the Joni Mitchell song “Big Yellow Taxi”. The song figured in a former student’s memories of Worthington, a music teacher, who spoke of his connections to Mitchell and early exposure to the song before it became a hit. Hints of the lyrics are created via uniquely colored frames (yellow, pink and green) which align with particular phrases (yellow taxi, pink hotel, tree museum). Horizontal trim in a contrasting color within the metal siding indicates the staff lines of music. The school entry is further articulated with black and white vertical metal that emulates piano keys. The subtlety of the treatment allows the story to be revealed to students and visitors as an educational component which might be incorporated within pedagogy or a guided visitor experience.


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  • Volunteering


    We encourage all parents to take an active role as partners in their children’s learning. If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, please contact your child’s teacher. All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer registration form, which is available from the school office.

    There are a number of ways that parents can become active and contributing members of our school community. As you can well imagine, the possibilities are endless!

    • Join our School Council! Please watch the school calendar for more details about becoming a part of this important voice for families at Garth Worthington School. School Council will provide input and advice to assist our school to be the best it can be.
    • Assist with clubs and sports! 
    • Special school-wide events
    • Participate in special evening events
    • Provide support in the classroom
    • Assist with book fairs
    • Volunteer for field trips
    • Supporting your child’s learning through helping them with their homework, home reading and home writing.  

    Information about volunteer opportunities will made available on SchoolZone and through classroom newsletters throughout the year or you can email us at garthworthington@epsb.ca

    We thank all parents who are able to make time in their busy schedule to assist in their child's learning!  Your help and support are greatly appreciated.

    Parent Volunteers - Magnolia Elementary School, Upland, CA


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Welcome to Garth Worthington School! I’m honored to be the Principal of our 21st Century school! I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging year of learning for our students. 

We are proud to offer a variety of programs and activities that encourage our students to explore their curiosities, and strengthen their skills in math and literacy. As we begin our journey of what learning in a 21st century learning environment will be, develop a love of learning that will last beyond these school years, and prepare them for working in a 21st Century society. 

To help our students achieve their full potential, we depend on the co-operative efforts of staff, parents, and the community to provide a learning environment that:

  • respects individual differences
  • establishes expectations and responsible behavior
  • nurtures self-worth and dignity
  • fosters further learning
  • challenges and provides opportunities for success 

I encourage you to be an active participant in your child’s learning and the daily life of our school. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I welcome your questions, feedback and suggestions. 


Dennis Kuchta, Principal

Garth Worthington School